
Cookies policy
Cookies are the automatic way for collecting information related to the preferences determined by a user during his visit to a certain web page in order to recognize him as a recurring user and to personalize his experience and his use of our Portal. The cookies will be stored on your computer's hard drive until you delete them.


1. Technical cookies:
They are necessary for the proper functioning of the web.
- Session cookies: temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the website. The information obtained through these cookies allows analyzing traffic patterns on the web. In the long run, this allows providing a better experience by improving the content and facilitating its use. They begin with "SESS" or "SSESS".
- Permanent Cookie: it is stored on the hard disk and the web page reads it every time a new visit is made. They are used to facilitate the initiation of the session in the web of the association and the consent to the policy of said cookies. His name is "cookie-agreed"
2. Analysis cookies:
They are used to obtain anonymous browsing statistics. In order to improve navigation on our website. For this, we use Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager cookies. They are under the domains "", "" and ""
Other cookies are used in the process of sharing content with social networks. In the case of AVJK5022, Twitter is the communication tool and the stored cookies to interact with this social network are under "".
AVJK5022 portal does not use advertising cookies or third-party cookies for advertising purposes.